I hate when people do “sorry I haven’t blogged for awhile” posts because they quickly become outdated. Someone who reads this blog even a few months from today won’t even notice the break in days unless they specifically look at the date. That being said….sorry for the thin content here!

Shanghai Disney– A Review
So this winter holiday, I spent a week in Shanghai visiting an every growing number of friends. But what I was looking forward to the most, was visiting the recently opened Shanghai Disney (Sorry friends). And it did not disappoint! Just so you know, while I don’t like “Disney” as

My Silent Traveling Companion
You might think I traveled alone this holiday, as you see I had a room for one, bought one train ticket and had no one else in my pictures. But that’s not true. I didn’t travel with another person, but I didn’t travel alone. I traveled with someone very popular,

Going to the American Embassy
I’ve been to more than 20 countries and have lived outside America for more than 7 years total in my life, and yet I have never found the need to go to an American embassy. Luckily I have never been in a place with political turmoil in which I needed

Going “Home”
After six years in China (and 12 holidays in which to travel) I finally filled up my passport. Even the last two “endorsement” pages is filled with visas, stamps and residence permits. Before the school can re-hire me I have to get more pages added. (Fun fact: Americans will no

A Dream Weekend in Shanghai
Even though I’m a small blog, various companies contact me from time to time, to sell services, or offer deals. I usually ignore them, but the other day I got a very intriguing e-mail about a blogging contest. Sponsored by Club Carlson, a travel and hospitality company. All I need
The Shanghai 1933 Slaughterhouse & Puzzle House
On Saturday we went to two different “houses.” One was a 1933 art deco slaughterhouse (no, not just a catchy name. A literal former slaughterhouse) and the other was a room where you pay someone to lock you in and figure out puzzles until you free yourself. We first went
Farewell Tour of Zhejiang
With classes over and a few weeks remaining before I leave for the summer, I’ve wanted to see my friends one last time. I’ll be changing jobs, and moving to a new part of china so it’s time to start saying goodbye to everyone here. I’ve dubbed my month of
Living in the Chinese Pollution
Looks like I spoke too soon about the beautiful weather. (Perhaps I jinxed it?) Not even one day after I wrote that blog post the weather changed from crisp, clear and beautiful to foggy. But not just any fog….the dreaded fog of Chinese pollution. Living in southern China pollution
Not as Bad as I Thought
I usually travel during the summer, and have never stayed in Lin’an during a holiday before. I was a bit disappointed I had to hang around town, but it turns out that only 3 weeks into summer, things are going great. For instance? Pool party! I haven’t swam in years, but