Since I need to box my crap up and ship it down south (“to where Becky?” I hear you ask. I’ll announce my new China home soon I just want to wait till I have a contract in hand till I consider it official.) I’ve been cleaning up and throwing
Flapping in the Breeze
There are still things that I miss from back home (like pants that aren’t size -00), but as more time goes on, I miss them less and less. In fact, there are some things that I originally dreaded, but now don’t even think about. One of those things is drying
I Scream, You Scream, We All Scream!
When you hear the metallic, slightly creepy jingle of a child’s song playing on the breeze every kid in America knows what to do. Grab some money and follow that sweet sound to the ice cream man. Here in China they have the same thing but instead of running towards

The Cleaning Continues
Every weekend is dedicated to ripping apart some part of the house and getting rid of all the unnecessary stuff. What’s amazing is that even though I have cleaned out a certain area, like the bathroom closet, I go back and find all new stuff to throw away. Here is

The Surprising Benefits of Traveling
We still have over a month left before we leave our house, but I can say, without a doubt, that this trip has been worthwhile. Even if we hate it (which I doubt) or cancel at the last minute (which we won’t), just the simple act of planning on traveling

Clearing the Clutter
“I’m looking forward to living in a small space and not having so much stuff to worry about.” My husband Ryan said this to me the other night at dinner and I agreed. Saying goodbye to our stuff won’t be sad. It will be a relief. It’s not like we