Every weekend is dedicated to ripping apart some part of the house and getting rid of all the unnecessary stuff. What’s amazing is that even though I have cleaned out a certain area, like the bathroom closet, I go back and find all new stuff to throw away.
Here is a small sampling of what I found in the bathroom. (Who knows why I didn’t get rid of this stuff when I cleaned it out last month!)
- 3 things of deodorant for in a scent that I don’t like
- 2 non-working Mickey Mouse watches
- A bunch of pins from all the places I skied when I was young
- A Z-100 Morning Zoo comedy tape from 1989. (This one I’ve got to listen to before I throw it away!)
- Tylenol Cold & Flu tablets that expired over a year ago
- 2 things of shampoo and conditioner I don’t like
- 2 water proof containers you wear around your neck while swimming. They were still shrink wrapped.
- An old towel that a friend wrote with a black marker on and wrapped a wedding present in 9 years ago
- A bunch of small, dusty, round mirrors that were up in our old place
Amazing, isn’t it?
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