You might think that like McDonalds, Walmarts of the world are all the same. I’m here to tell you that nope, they definitely are not. And going to a Walmart in China is nothing like going to one in America. Sometimes it’s downright freaky.
Just for the record, I hate Walmart. I think they are an evil company and in America, I don’t go. But in China it is the only reliable source of butter, cheese and Twinings Tea. I have a fancy supermarket near me, that has pretty much everything I need….except butter, cheese and Twinings Tea. So off to Walmart I go.
Walmart caters their shops to a local taste. So it’s not like I can get the same stuff in China that you get in America. No trident gum, or mead notebooks. Instead the store is filled with Chinese brands. The clothes are Chinese style (in Chinese sizes) and the food is made with Chinese tastes in mind. There is a small shelf with “international goods” but in China that means more Korean and Japanese food than American. (Though it is where I get my Twinings tea.)
In China the food isn’t especially cheap. It’s also not crazy expensive, but it’s not known for being dirt cheap like America. Also, one time I saw a kid taking a dump in the aisles. (Ironically it was in the cleaning supplies aisle.)
Without further ado, a peek inside a Chinese Walmart (disclaimer: I tried to take all these pics ‘on the sly’ so sometimes they are a little blurry. Sorry.)

The milk that’s found on the shelf in China is generally “long-life” milk (or UHT milk). It’s been treated at a high temperature and can sit in those boxes without refrigeration for months. But once it’s opened, you have to refrigerate it and drink it like fresh milk (ie within about a week). It’s made from fresh milk but has been treated to make it shelf-stable. Totally safe to drink!
You should shop at RT-Mart if you have one near you. It’s better than Walmart, and Carrefour as well for that matter.
Btw, about the squatting… I’ve heard that the reason that Caucasians tend to kneel as opposed to squat as Asians do is because the proportionally longer legs that Caucasians have makes it uncomfortable for them to squat. Is that true?
TJ- I know, and I know that in Europe they often sell it un-refrigerated as well. It’s just still freaky to me. I also don’t refrigerate eggs in china because there is no need (and it can actually be worse for unwashed eggs) but I still feel weird after a lifetime of washing.
And e-phoenix. No way! haha. I say this as a master squatter myself. It’s just a culture thing. Kids in America naturally squat as it is a very natural comfortable position, but they aren’t encouraged to squat and so we lose the flexibility. A lot of my friends here can’t put both heels on the ground when they squat (they stand on their tippy toes, making going to the bathroom a slightly more nerve-wracking experience.) But while I can’t touch my toes due to tight muscles, I can squat no problem.
Ah, the memories! And that tofu picture made me drool!!