I haven’t written much about my social life here. Of course, coming to a new place with no friends did put a damper on things for a few weeks. I was busy meeting people, and getting to know them, and finding people I really clicked with. (Actually, I did have
When Staying Home is the Wise Choice
This week is National week, the only major week-long holiday of the entire school year. I’m flush with cash from my paycheck and airfare reimbursement, and dying to get out and travel, but I’m staying put this week and locking myself in my room. Why? Because it’s not just me

Happy National Day!
60 years ago today Mao Zedong stood in Tiananmen Square, raised the national flag for the first time and declared the founding of the People’s Republic of China. They say there were 300,000 soldiers and spectators there that day. Well, that’s nothing compared to how many people are expected to