This week is National week, the only major week-long holiday of the entire school year. I’m flush with cash from my paycheck and airfare reimbursement, and dying to get out and travel, but I’m staying put this week and locking myself in my room. Why? Because it’s not just me that has this week off, it’s the entire country. Which means that every train, plane and bus is booked, all the roads are jammed and every hostel is overflowing. Don’t believe me? Here’s some pics of the National Day holiday still in progress:
Aside from these pics circulating the Chinese internet there are 2 other quite hilarious pics related to China. Perhaps you’ve heard that Justin Beiber came to China? And visited the Great Wall?
Well apparently he wanted to go to one of the upper portions of the Great Wall but he didn’t want to climb all those pesky steps. So instead he had his body guards carry him.
It would have made the earlier emperors proud, only they did it with sedan chairs.
Now I’ll go back to hiding from the crowded world. I’m actually using this break to get some work done, prepare several weeks of class, so that in a few weeks, when everyone has gone home and the buses are empty again, I can head out and do a little traveling myself. The road beckons!
Smart girl! I’m staying home this week too. Went out to the city for lunch yesterday and that was enough of the crowds.