Since I’ve been living at the beach there have been a lot of picnics. A lot, a lot. So many picnics. I mean, when I make a meal I have two options, sit at the table in my apartment staring at the wall, or walk 5 minutes and sit on

“Do You Like Bread?”
I passed by a friendly woman whose family I buy fruit from and stopped for a minute to chat. She was standing in front of a cooler she had dragged out from her store a little down a side street and she was selling cold watermelon cut up into containers

I Wouldn’t Expect to Like This But…
There is a secret food in China that people in the south eat almost everyday, yet in other countries it’s virtually impossible to find outside of a dim sum restaurant or Chinatown. That food? The slimy, squishy but amazingly delicious changfen. It comes from Cantonese dim sum food, but it

This Meme is Stupid
I’ve seen a meme passed around on facebook for a few years that seems like a good idea. It’s a picture of a city street with fruit trees and the words “The trees planted on city sidewalks should be replaced with fruit trees, so the homeless have something to eat

*Obligatory Sappy Year End Post*
Look, I can’t dent it. This year was kick ass. Trying to sum it all up is too overwhelming. So instead I think I will do it with pictures. In January I started running with a new gang. Little did I know this gang would lead my down the path

Lunch Time on a Chinese Campus
If you’ve lived in China for any length of time, you know how important lunch is. No squished sandwich eaten at your desk, or some long ladies luncheon. Lunch is fast and quick for the main event: the afternoon nap. At a college campus lunch is like a flash flood.

The Food of Xinjiang (Don’t Read if You’re Hungry)
I think now would be the time to tackle one of the best parts of my trip: the food. One of the things I love about food in China is it is fresh. Every dish has lots and lots of veggies and every spare patch of ground houses a small

Back from Xinjiang and Gansu!
I’m back! And what a month I’ve had. I know I always say that each holiday is “the BEST ever!!” but this time I mean it. I walked in deserts, I climbed lush mountains that reminded me of the Swiss Alps, I saw snow covered peaks while I was sweltering

The Fat Life in Xiamen
So I wrote about the fit life in Xiamen and how my days are filled with sports and active things. And the logical conclusion to all of this is that I would be super skinny and fit. But that is not at all true because of the other half of

Spring Festival in Pics or How I Maybe Went a Little Overboard in Preperation
So Spring Festival has come and gone. Though technically not finished (that will be on March 5th with the Lantern Festival) the break is over and classes have started up again. I usually get the hell out of China during this time period because it is such a pain to