I’m not sure how it started. Maybe I just thought it was cute the way my Taiwanese boyfriend pronounced Pikachu (pi-ka-que), but for the past five years, every time one of sees a Pikachu doll, toy, game etc we have to talk about it and point it out, and end up saying “pika pika” for the next few minutes.
But neither of us actually likes Pikachu, Pokemon or anything related to it. So why has it become a thing between us? No clue. I’ve literally never even seen an episode of Pokemon or played any of the games.
But it is a thing between us, so when I saw cute little Pikachu band aids at the store, I bought them cause I thought it would be funny. I assumed they were normal strip band aids with pictures of little pikachus on them and I did actually need band aids, so it wasn’t a waste of money. But it turned out they were even cooler. When I opened one to put on an imaginary wound on Azhi’s hand, it turned out the entire band aid was the shape of Pikachu’s head. And instead of just ripping it off, as I expected, he wore it as we walked out the door to begins the day’s adventure.
“Take a picture,” he said holding out his hand so the Pikachu band aid was visible. And so the Pikachu walk was born. It wasn’t meant to be a Pikachu walk, but it was going to be an epic walk. Xiamen, an island, has a 22km walk that goes across the entire city from beach to beach in sidewalks, elevated platforms and special walkways. A few months ago we walked 12 km’s from the ferry port to SM (a large mall approximately in the middle) so today we were gonna do the other half, starting at Guanyin Shan beach and ending back at SM.
Honestly, I didn’t think the Pikachu band aid was gonna make it. Azhi isn’t the most careful person and it was pretty cheap, with a few of the edges coming up before we even made it to the starting point. But not only did Azhi take care of his hand and the band aid, he made me take pictures with it at every scenic spot.
“Why are you taking a picture without Pikachu!” he would cry, running over and thrusting out his Piakchu hand if he saw me setting up a shot with my phone. If I had already snapped the picture I had to do it again with Pikachu, no exceptions.
So, please enjoy the scenic Mountain-to-Sea Trail with our little yellow friend, Pikachu.

I think it’s no secret I’m a fangirl of Xiamen, and this walk is one of the reasons why. This city really plans for green spaces that people can use for free. This path is not only well thought out and planned, but has plenty of (clean) toilets, drink machines and even AED paddles at regular intervals in case there is a medical emergency. The whole path has a gentle grade that can accommodate wheelchairs and people with mobility issues, and when it goes into the mountain the walkway is a platform above the forest ground so people can’t bother or disturb the nature below.
This mountain-to-sea path was finished about two years ago, and now they are working on a similar path that crosses the island from north to south. I can’t wait to walk on it when its done. I wonder, will Pikachu come with us then?
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