You know, whenever there is a natural disaster we always see real-time pictures and video over the drama that it wrought. But we hardly ever see the after pictures or any of the clean up effort outside of the first few days. So how does a major natural disaster change
Settling in a Routine When You Hate Routine
I know I’ve been a bit quiet on this blog recently. It’s not because I stopped doing things, or because I’m tired of writing. It’s also not because I’m so busy I don’t have the time. It’s more than now my life has a schedule and an order that repeats week
I Won an Award!
Yes it was a sports award, no it wasn’t badminton, and no it wasn’t for playing. I won the #1 Fan for the Xiamen Ultimate Frisbee Bailu Team! I can almost hear some of you laughing but let me ‘splain how awesome it is. We had the year end party
Mid-Autumn Festival and Bobing!
While the America’s were enjoying their blood moon, we had just finished worshiping the moon ourselves here in China. The lunar eclipse coincided with Mid-Autumn festival, a day you are supposed to gaze at the full moon, eat moon cakes and enjoy the day off. (Sadly, the lunar eclipse was
A Good Night for a Walk
Friday night my friends and I all went out to our “local watering hole,” to celebrate the birthday of our friend Adam. Through the shots, loud music and flashing lights I asked my friend Rebecca what she was doing the next day. “I’m walking around Xiamen. It’s 50km,” she told
Typhoon Season in Southern China
Living in southern China sure does bring some exciting weather. Spring is the rainy season, but it’s not normal rain, it’s tropical rain storms which come out of nowhere, throws down fire and brimstone for 20 minutes and then blows away. It’s so quick and sporadic my friends and I all
Ultimate Frisbee in China
From time to time you’ve seen me talk about Ultimate Frisbee on my blog. I talked about playing Frisbee in my fit life, and I went on about how Frisbee is gonna kill us alllllllll. Despite not actually playing a game (I’m too scared after it took not four weeks
The Red Dress Hash House Harrier Walk! (Say that 5 times fast.)
I’ve written about the Hash House Harriers and I’ve been doing the walk with some regularity (maybe once a month, though they now have walked 2-3 times per month). But this weekend was a special walk, it was the “Red Dress Hash.” The Red Dress run is a Hash House
Suddenly I Hate Xiamen
So you know how I was living in this bubble of perfect days, with perfect friends and perfect food and perfect fun? Well, that bubble just popped. No, my friends are still fun and amazing, the food is off-the-charts delicious and everyday has a million fun activities. But now I
Writing and Teaching Update (or, What I do When I’m not Eating or Playing Sports)
I know based on my last few post you’ve probably been thinking I’ve been only eating and playing. And while I have, no doubt, I’ve also been busy with writing and teaching. In fact I’ve got a few exciting things to tell you. Writing First, I wrote a guest blog