How times flies! It seems like only yesterday I was announcing my writer’s retreat and here it is all over and done with. It was the first time I have attempted one of these in the place I live, and I was successful I thought I’d share my strategy with

Change in Plans
So remember waaay back (10 days ago) when I announced my winter travel plans? Well, at the time I was in Shanghai and Hangzhou visiting my friends and having a lot of fun. Maybe a little too much fun. Shanghai had always been a bit of a splurge destination for
Bloggers Unite! How Blogging Has Enhanced my Life in China
Last Saturday night found me surrounded by women from ages 20-mid-40’s. Mostly from America, mostly old China hands, mostly into Chinese guys (either married to or interested in), mostly African-American. We had come from different places in China, a few even traveling for 5 hours by high speed train to
A New Novel is Born!
So remember a month ago when I said I was going to participate in NaNoWriMo? (National Novel Writing Month.) The goal is to write a novel, 50,000 words, in 30 days. That breaks down to 1667 words everyday, roughly 3 pages. Well, I not only succeeded but I kept writing
Things are About to get a Little Crazier Round Here
This semester I have been busier than ever before. It’s not due to class, (I had more one year ago and about twice as many students) and it’s not due to learning Chinese (though that’s still kicking my ass). It’s also not due to hanging out with my friends as
F&$% You, Chinese!
Summer’s officially arrived and what am I doing everyday?! Studying for the HSK level 5 Chinese test. And not just studying but studying my ass off. I’ve never studied for something like this, and frankly it’s pissing me off. I’m not the most academically gifted student, never have been. I’ve
I'm on Lost Laowai!
I’ve recently become a contributor to Lost Laowai, and today my first post was published! (And it already got 5 comments, not bad!) If you live in China (or are thinking of moving here) then you probably already know Lost Laowai. It’s been around for a long time and is
Peek into a Chinese Classroom
Classes are long done, and students are off at home (being bored) so I thought now would be a good time to give you a peek into what a typical class looks like. Here is a picture of the students all being quiet and well behaved. I’ll be honest and
Book of the Week
It was rainy, cold and I only had about 45 minutes before I had to face a roomful of kids when I got an e-mail saying that my first book, Sword of the Ramurai, was picked as the New Hampshire book of the week! How exciting! It’s a very short
What Story is Inside You?
I just got the bad news that my Friend Joyce McNeill passed away. I first met Jo several years ago, when I was invited to join a writers group for children’s book writers. There were only 5 of us, and for a couple of years we would meet every week,