Remember those students I call “my babies?” The ones I taught for four years and watched them grow up? The ones who stayed with me when I was in the hospital 5 years ago? The one’s that sobbed into my shoulder as they graduated and said goodbye? The ones I

My First “Kid” Got Married!
On the last class with my darling graduated students we played a game. “Who’s gonna be the first…?” Things like, get married, have a baby, become a millionaire, live abroad, etc. Well, one of those questions have been answered because at the end of December, about 6-months after graduation, my
We Got a Subway Now!! (The More Delicious Kind)
Things have changed a lot in my little boonie city since I first arrived. It used to be I would go out to a dirt/rubble road (with chickens and dogs running freely) to a little shack or food cart to get my dinner and pray I didn’t get food posioning
A Chinese Wedding
Ever since coming to China I have wanted to go to a Chinese wedding. After all, weddings are such cultural markers, I was really curious to see what it was like. Fortunately, last week I finally got my chance! Wendy, one of the women at the international office finally had