You live in asia for awhile you see a lot of temples. And in these temples you see a lot of Buddhas. When you live in China, a country that believes bigger is better, you are bound to see not only Buddha’s but some of the biggest Buddha’s in all the
The Food of Thailand
Fresh, fresh, fresh! That’s the only word I can use to describe Thai food. If you’ve ever eaten at a (good) Thai restaurant I think you’ll know what I’m talking about. But of course, in the native land the cuisine always tastes better. Simple pad thai cooked on the street
The Temples of Thailand
So I spent a lot of time looking at ancient cities and temples of Thailand. You’d think I’d get sick of it, living in China (where I’ve seen enough temples to last a lifetime), but I still like it. And in Thailand they are so different. The only word that

Winter Holiday
For the past 3 weeks it’s been winter holiday. Time for my yearly conundrum: what to do for spring festival?China during Spring Festival (aka Chinese New Years) is hell. Known as humans largest migration all 1.3 billion Chinese people take trains, planes and automobiles to get back home. All hotels