In my recent trip to Hong Kong, I was quite curious to go see the protests. I was a little worried, not for my safety, but for for the trouble the protests would make in traveling. I had heard that the streets were blocked, and even the subway had stopped
Yes Virginia, Chinese People DO Protest
Yesterday in my Weixin “moments” (similar to ‘the wall’ in Facebook) a number of bloody/riot pictures started showing up. Men clutching their bleeding heads, hundreds of people marching down the highway and other pictures which aroused my curiosity. Then a foreign friend was going to the airport called me
S*%$t's About to Get Real
I think it has flown under the radar in the western media, but here in the East there is one topic on everybody’s minds. The worsening relationship between China and Japan. It all started because of a stupid island dispute. China says they own it, and Japan disagrees. (The Chinese