For the past four years now, I have traveled almost entirely alone. In fact, I insist on it, refusing any invitations or requests to travel from other people. (I’m kinda bitchy like that.) On my own I’ve been to several countries, and all parts of China and I have never

*Obligatory Sappy Year End Post*
Look, I can’t dent it. This year was kick ass. Trying to sum it all up is too overwhelming. So instead I think I will do it with pictures. In January I started running with a new gang. Little did I know this gang would lead my down the path
Spring Has Sprung
May first, or May Day is a holiday to celebrate the coming spring. My college is a Forestry University, and as you might expect, it has some pretty amazing landscaping. It doesn’t hurt that the campus is nestled at the base of some green rolling hills, nor that when spring
Out and About With My ipod
I have been the owner of a 4g ipod touch for several weeks now and I don’t know how I ever lived without it. I carry it around with me everywhere and is close to me even at night. (That’s because our alarm clock died and until we get a
Being a foreigner can sometimes be difficult. With my blond hair I stick out just about everywhere. And the locals are never shy about talking about us as they are standing right next to us. The most uncomfortable is when people come and stare at us while we are eating.