I’m gonna start out with a bold statement: I lead an inspiring life. But I doubt few agree with me. I’m the kinda person that once I make up my mind to do something, I do regardless of how hard, or weird, it is. I’m not afraid to take risks,

*Obligatory Sappy Year End Post*
Look, I can’t dent it. This year was kick ass. Trying to sum it all up is too overwhelming. So instead I think I will do it with pictures. In January I started running with a new gang. Little did I know this gang would lead my down the path
The Years Most Popular Posts (and my Fav)
It’s the time of the year when bloggers do the wrap-up posts and I might as well join the gang. As a teacher I tend to think of things not so much in years, but in semesters. I’d say my first semester could be summed up with one word: friends.
Making Noodles and Dumplings: A Photo Essay
One of my new classes invited me to their dumpling party to celebrate the New Years. Eating dumplings and noodles is tradition to bring luck to the new year. As students don’t have a kitchen at their disposal they rented one to use at a nearby restaurant. It was my
An Open Letter to my Chinese Neighbors
Hi Y’all, Ni Hao. I want to start off by saying I really, really like this town. You’re all so friendly, the scenery is gorgeous and those little potato things that are a local dish are absolutely delicious. That being said, there is something I would like to discuss. It
The 'Nought'-ies. Reflections on the 00's.
Not only is it the end of a new year, but the end of an entire decade so I thought I’d jump on the year/decade bandwagon and reflect about my life for a moment. (Forgive the self indulgence but really this website is called beckyances.net so you should expect it