“Becky, I think I made a friend mad,” a student wrote to me out of the blue. “What happened?” I asked. “I asked one of the foreign teachers for some help looking over my resume and he refused and was angry,” she said. “What did he say?” I asked feeling

A WTF China Moment
I had an important document I had to print, but all the print shops near my school are closed and shuttered. So I had to go to downtown Lin’an and find one. I didn’t know of an exact location, so I just got off the bus and started walking. I
What Does American English Sound Like?
When American’s want to parody what Chinese sounds like we (offensively) say “Ching chong wing wong.” When we want to parody Swedish we say “Smorgish, borgish, upsadasee.” (a la Swedish Chef.) When we want to parody Italian we say “Now dat’s a spicy-a meatball.” (Sorry Italian people, you can blame