It’s time for more funny chinglish signs. What I don’t get is the bigger a tourist attraction is, the worse the English translation is. I would think they would actually be able to find SOME native English speaker to ask them for their opinion before they finished making the sign,
Chinglish Signs: Park Edition
We saw a lot of hilarious chinglish signs while on our trip. Here are the funniest ones we saw in public parks…
It's Time for More Chinglish Packaging!!
We see lots of funny examples of Chinglish but we keep forgetting to take pictures of it, so this post will be a little shorter than I’d like, but it’s still funny nonetheless. We saw this sign outside Grandmother’s Kitchen in Hangzhou. It is an upscale small chain restaurant that
Chinglish: Chinese Packaging Edition
When you live in another country, one that you can’t speak or read the language, you notice everything that is in English. I find myself reading people’s English t-shirts, or reading small signs on a bus that happen to be translated such as no smoking. It’s like I’ve become hyper