So remember a month ago when I said I was going to participate in NaNoWriMo? (National Novel Writing Month.) The goal is to write a novel, 50,000 words, in 30 days. That breaks down to 1667 words everyday, roughly 3 pages. Well, I not only succeeded but I kept writing
Things are About to get a Little Crazier Round Here
This semester I have been busier than ever before. It’s not due to class, (I had more one year ago and about twice as many students) and it’s not due to learning Chinese (though that’s still kicking my ass). It’s also not due to hanging out with my friends as
Book of the Week
It was rainy, cold and I only had about 45 minutes before I had to face a roomful of kids when I got an e-mail saying that my first book, Sword of the Ramurai, was picked as the New Hampshire book of the week! How exciting! It’s a very short