I’m not such a big fan of carnivals in real life (they’re expensive and kind of depressing) but I sure do like a good blog carnival. And what makes a good blog carnival? Why, one that features me of course! 🙂 So go check out this greatĂ‚Â carnivalĂ‚Â hosted by Travelogged. This
RIP Granny D
Last week one of my heroes died. Her name was Granny D and she was 100-years-old. You can read her obituary on BBC or on Huffington Post,Ă‚Â but the only thing you really need to know is what a great lady she was. In 1999, after her husband of 60+ years
Carnival of Inspiring Travel–Monthly Roundup
I am pleased to announce that I am part of the inspiring travel blog carnival this week! It is my first carnival and I am excited to be a part of it. If you have found this site because of it, welcome! Please take a look around and if you
Bloggifying the Blog
I have been constantly blogging now for about 9 months, 6 of which were from China. I’ve started blogs before and by the 6-month mark most were dead. It was a mix of things, lack of willpower, interest, stamina. Clearly something has changed in me as I am just as
It's Time to Get Technical: RSS Feed
You might notice a new little orange circle on the upper right-hand corner of the screen. That is an RSS feed. I consider myself fairly technically savvy yet RSS feeds are something I never looked much into. Turns out it’s pretty important to have. It took me an incredibly frustrating
The Time Bending Blog
I should add a logistical note here. I set this blog up in the US and I haven’t adjusted any of the setting since. It is set to New York time which is 13 hours behind China time. So when a blog post says it is posted on Jan 1st,
The 'Nought'-ies. Reflections on the 00's.
Not only is it the end of a new year, but the end of an entire decade so I thought I’d jump on the year/decade bandwagon and reflect about my life for a moment. (Forgive the self indulgence but really this website is called beckyances.net so you should expect it
The Swiss Family Robinson are a Bunch of Jerks
Being an avid reader in a country that doesn’t use your native language can be a problem. To get good stuff to read I either have to download it, have it shipped to me, or go to a big city and spend a bunch of money on imported books. None
Teaching Writing
One of the many classes I’m teaching is writing. What is great about writing with non-native English speakers is they don’t know the tired cliches and common word usage we are all so familiar with. Instead, they put together words in new and exciting ways which aren’t exactly correct, yet
Travels Round the Web
I’m plugging away at my day job with only 3 more days left before I’m done for good. I haven’t had time to write a new entry in a few days, but I have had time to read some good ones. Here are a few of my favorite that I