I think most people can understand the benefits of having a chinese boyfriend. Language, culture, new experiences and so on. But you know what’s better than having a Chinese boyfriend? Having a male Chinese best friend. You see, with romantic relationships there are all kinds of social restrictions of things
Chinglish Time Again!
It’s been a long time since I did a chinglish blog post, but that doesn’t mean I haven’t been seeing (and taking pictures of) a few funny signs and packages. Enjoy!
On Dating Chinese Men
There is a little blog controversy going on about western women dating chinese men. Jocelyn over at Speaking of China (of which I’m a big fan) took offense at another bloggers account of dating a Chinese guy. This woman wrote about a bad experience, but titled it On Dating Chinese
How to Use a Squat Toilet–Hilarious Video
Here is a hilarious new video about how to use a squat toilet. (VPN alert–Youtube video.) As you can imagine, using a squat toilet is a frequent topic of conversation with foreigners in China. You can occasionally find a western toilet, in a fancy hotel of new movie theatre, but
Eating Sugar Right From the Cane
I’m a candy freak. Super crazy candy freak. Once in college my friend told me he would give me a thousand dollars if I gave up candy for one month. I didn’t even try. So yeah, candy freak. There is a snack in China that seems right up my alley
'Romantic' Gift from my Chinese Boyfriend
After work last night, my boyfriend came over. He had something in his hands. “I got you a gift,” he said. “You did?” “Yeah. I have one too, it’s really comfortable,” he said handing me a bag. Umm, thanks? Having a multi-cultural relationship can cause many problems, but boredom and
Snow Day!
As I live in Southern China winter temps hover around freezing, but snow is rare. Our winters are more dreary, freezing cold, damp days then the clear, crisp days I’m accustomed to back in America. And right now my New Hampshire hometown has gotten pummeled with snow. More than 2
Making Noodles and Dumplings: A Photo Essay
One of my new classes invited me to their dumpling party to celebrate the New Years. Eating dumplings and noodles is tradition to bring luck to the new year. As students don’t have a kitchen at their disposal they rented one to use at a nearby restaurant. It was my
Looking for that Old Christmas Feeling in China
When I lived in America to say I was burned out of the holiday season would be an understatement. I was tired of the consumerism, tired of the holiday pressure and tired of feeling like a total glutton eating all the delicious food that was laid in front of me.
Adding Another Place on the 'Must-See' List
I got another interesting China Vimeo movie to show you. This one, called Ordos, is about a group of skater who went all around this newly built city in Inner Mongolia skating all over the place. The city had millions of dollars poured into it, creating the infrastructure for a