Some day I hope to know enough Chinese to be able to read these crazy bathroom signs and understand what they really mean to say. But until then I’ll just enjoy the English translation.
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I’m just learning Chinese but the last one says something like “if it’s convenient for you it’s convenient for others” (the word for urinate is actually the same characters as “convenient” for some reason, someone must have been using Google Translate again)
The one above it says something like “move ahead a small step, society advances a large step”
The next one above I don’t understand, it says something like “walking a step closer is naturally convenient”. I guess that would be what the “Englese” sign would read!
The first one is something like “It’s good for society to clean up the environment”.
I guess the Chinglish is much more entertaining!
I’d translate the 2nd one as “taking a step closer is naturally more convenient.” And I always imagined the third one would be best translated into English (for pop culture sake) as “one small step for man, one giant step for mankind.” hahaha. Or that’s how I’d translate it to be funny anyway. But I doubt the creators of these signs are trying to be funny. 🙂 And yeah, the chinglish is way more entertaining. I’m glad the translations are all messed up!